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Adventures in Missions (AIM) began as a vision to see young people take an active part in the Great Commission. Seth Barnes, the executive director, launched the program in 1989 from a small office in his garage. As AIM continued to expand bases were setup in Central and South America. However, it wasn’t until the year 2000 that the first trip to Kenya would take place.
At that time Scott Nelson had been at AIM for two years and was director of AIM’s Real Life Mission Teams (RLMT). The opportunity arose to lead a two week medical team to Kenya. So just four days after returning home from the Amazon jungle in Peru, Scott was off to Kenya. By God’s grace that trip was a success and the next year Scott returned to lead a month long ambassador team in Kenya. This was the beginning of AIM Kenya. To the right you can see the first base buildings that housed the office and incoming teams. | ![]() |
Later that year Scott and Seth put together a two year transition plan to set up a permanent base in Kenya. 2003 was the first year that the base in Kenya was truly up and running, ready to support incoming mission teams. Now, just five years after such humble beginnings, AIM staff, participants, and local believers have helped establish a primary school, an orphanage, and a Bible training center. Each of these are fully staffed by Kenyans who are dedicated to the Lord’s service. In addition short term mission teams are being sent every year to come alongside these programs and local churches to continue building up the body of Christ in this area.
![]() | The church in Kenya is vibrant and alive with a potential. To the left you can see one of Calvary Church’s baptism services in a pool owned by a local school. This is one of the churches that AIM partners with in Kenya. During the years that we have been working there God was called us to come alongside the church; to encourage them to reach new heights in ministry and to help equip, train and challenge them to both make disciples and to impact the world around them. It is that passion that has led us to build partnerships with pastors and leaders in Kenya with the intent of deepening the faith of their congregations and mobilizing an attack force to step out into the spiritual battle for the lost. |
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