Can you imagin being an orphan?
Can you imagine going to be hungry becuase your family has no food?
Can you imagine wondering if you will be able to finish elementary school because there is no one to pay your school fees?
Stand up!
Speak out for them because they can’t speak for themselves!
But, you might think, I’m just a kid…just a teenager…still in college…I will help when I get a job and get older. Why wait? Do you want to be part of the solution now? Your voice is powerful and God can use it to move mountains to benefit the orphans? God has called us to help the orphans and the widows (James 1:27). He didn’t say “help the orphans and the widows when you are an adult”. He said “Help them”.
What you can do:
Have a bake sale
Set up a lemonade stand
Do a fundraiser at school, or scouts, or your Sunday school class
Commit to giving a little bit of your allowance or birthday money
Above all — SPEAK UP! The more that we can speak about the crisis of orphans, poverty and AIDS in Africa the better off they are.
One girl raise about $900 through a bake sale at her church. Bet you could do that to…but it’s not all about the money. It’s about getting involved. It’s about raising awareness. If it’s $3 is enough to pay for one of the orphans for a day. $20 will feed one of the orphans for a month. Can you do that?
What to do:
-Read the articles on this website and talk with your parents about how you can help.
-Email me and let me know that you want to be part of the solution
-I will mail you a packet with a DVD of the orphanage and all the info you need to start
Make a difference. Don’t wait to do something until you are “older”. Do it NOW!
They are counting on you!