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RLMT Program
Real Life Mission Team (RLMT) is a program designed to immerse individuals into new cultures and to cultivate a passion for seeking and serving God in “real life”. Teams of 8-15 embark on a 2-3 month adventure to obtain a real and practical ministry among the peoples of Kenya. RLMT focuses on growing the group through training anddiscipleship as well as affecting change in the community through ministry.
God is still mightily active in the world today and is using ordinary people (like us) to accomplish the extraordinary. This is so evident in the work He is doing through RLMTs in Kenya. It is an honor to proclaim the Gospel to the nations, and I pray that these men, women and children were able to see that there is a hope that extends beyond their traditions that will bring them the abundant life. -Rebecca Steed RLMT ’07 | ![]() |
Some examples of ministry are:
All trips are coordinated through AIM and the Next Step Missions Department. Please contact the NSMD ([email protected] or call 888-884-2461) for additional information or questions. If you would like to apply click here or on the link below to start the application process.
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